Attendance Matters! Our whole school target is 97% so please be in everyday.
Miss Eddleston and Miss Clark
Welcome to 3TE and your first year as a Junior! We have had a lovely start to the year and it has been awesome to see so many smiley, eager faces walk through the door each day. We can't wait to see your confidence continue to grow as we journey through the year together and we're looking forward to learning lots more alongside you.
School starts at 8.45am with a calm start and registration at 9.00am. School finishes at 3.15pm. In order to keep everyone safe, please stand back from the doors at drop off and pick up times.
We encourage children to read as much as they can. Reading can be done independently, with an adult or with others, both in school and at home.
All children should have a home/school reading book and a reading for pleasure book. Reading books will go home every night and are to be returned to school every morning. Please write a comment in the reading record to highlight what went well and what could use a little more practise.
PE is on Mondays and Fridays. Children should come to school in their P.E. kits on these days. If your child participates in an after school sports club, they may come to school wearing their P.E. kit on those days too.
Homework (Spellings, Handwriting and Maths) will be posted on Classdojo on Fridays and is to be returned/uploaded to school the following Friday.
Children also have access to TT Rock Stars and Spelling Shed. This is a great way for the children to practise times tables and spellings.