What statutory assessments will my child take?
In Year 1, all children sit a phonics screening test. This test is designed to indicate whether a child has the required ability to phonetically decode and read words. Children are shown a number of words (both real words and pseudo-words) which they have to be able to read using phonic knowledge.
In Year 2 and Year 6, children are tested in the summer term to determine whether or not they have reached the required age-related standard in reading, grammar and mathematics. Writing is assessed in school as a part of their on-going work in class.
Every two years, a small number of Year 6 pupils are selected from across all schools in England to sit an assessment in science. Parents will be informed if this will apply to their child.
When will the assessments be taking place?
Phonics (Year 1)
Key Stage 1 (Year 2)
The Key Stage 1 assessments can take place at a time of the school’s choosing within the month of May.
Key Stage 2 (Year 6)
What is the timetable for the assessments?
There is no fixed timetable for the phonics screening check and the Year 2 assessments. These will be carried out with individual pupils, groups or classes as needed.
In Year 6, the assessments have to be administered in the designated test week and on specific days according to a fixed timetable:
How are the assessments marked and what will they tell me about my child?
Both the Phonics Screening test and the Year 2 assessments are marked in-school. The Year 6 assessments are sent off to be marked externally.
The outcome of the phonics screening test is a score corresponding to the number of words the child read correctly. To have achieved the required standard, children must reach or exceed a pass-mark.
For the Year 2 and Year 6 assessments, the total number of marks for each subject will be converted into a ‘scaled score’. The scaled score will be a number either at or just above or below 100. Achieving a scaled score of 100 will mean that the pupil is working at the expected standard for the end of their Key Stage. A number less than 100 will mean that the child has not achieved the expected standard, and a number greater than 100 will mean that the child has exceeded the expected standard.
How can I help my child?
Where can I get more information?
Link to below please:
Learning to read through Phonics – Guidance for parents about the screening test
Standards and Testing Agency – Guidance for parents on the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Assessments
We have created a pamphlet for parents about Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 'scaled scores' that will be used to report the results of assessments from 2016.
The pamphlet answers questions, such as:
It also includes a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that you may find useful.
Please click on the link below to download this pamphlet.
What statutory assessments will my child take?
In Year 1, all children sit a phonics screening test. This test is designed to indicate whether a child has the required ability to phonetically decode and read words. Children are shown a number of words (both real words and pseudo-words) which they have to be able to read using phonic knowledge.
In Year 2 and Year 6, children are tested in the summer term to determine whether or not they have reached the required age-related standard in reading, grammar and mathematics. Writing is assessed in school as a part of their on-going work in class.
Every two years, a small number of Year 6 pupils are selected from across all schools in England to sit an assessment in science. Parents will be informed if this will apply to their child.
When will the assessments be taking place?
Phonics (Year 1)
Key Stage 1 (Year 2)
The Key Stage 1 assessments can take place at a time of the school’s choosing within the month of May.
Key Stage 2 (Year 6)
What is the timetable for the assessments?
There is no fixed timetable for the phonics screening check and the Year 2 assessments. These will be carried out with individual pupils, groups or classes as needed.
In Year 6, the assessments have to be administered in the designated test week and on specific days according to a fixed timetable:
How are the assessments marked and what will they tell me about my child?
Both the Phonics Screening test and the Year 2 assessments are marked in-school. The Year 6 assessments are sent off to be marked externally.
The outcome of the phonics screening test is a score corresponding to the number of words the child read correctly. To have achieved the required standard, children must reach or exceed a pass-mark.
For the Year 2 and Year 6 assessments, the total number of marks for each subject will be converted into a ‘scaled score’. The scaled score will be a number either at or just above or below 100. Achieving a scaled score of 100 will mean that the pupil is working at the expected standard for the end of their Key Stage. A number less than 100 will mean that the child has not achieved the expected standard, and a number greater than 100 will mean that the child has exceeded the expected standard.
How can I help my child?
Where can I get more information?
Link to below please:
Learning to read through Phonics – Guidance for parents about the screening test
Standards and Testing Agency – Guidance for parents on the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Assessments
We have created a pamphlet for parents about Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 'scaled scores' that will be used to report the results of assessments from 2016.
The pamphlet answers questions, such as:
It also includes a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that you may find useful.
Please click on the link below to download this pamphlet.