Attendance Matters! Our whole school target is 97% so please be in every day.
Welcome to 3ES
Mr Stronge, Mrs Rakem and Miss Foy
Welcome to Year 3ES and the Autumn Term! We are so proud of how hard all children worked last term, and are looking forward to their hard work continuing!
School Day
School starts 8:45, (calm start) Registration 9:00am, school finishes 3:15pm. In order to keep everyone safe, please stand back from the doors at drop off and pick up times.
We encourage children to read as much as they can! Reading can be done independently, with an adult or with others, both in school and at home.
All children should have a home/school reading book which is taken home every night and must be brought back to school each morning. Reading books will go home every night and are to be returned every morning to school. Please write a comment in the reading record praising how well your child has read, and the page numbers they have read too.
The children are encouraged to access our class library too, and they keep aa book from there in their trays for our 'reading for pleasure time in class'.
PE is on Monday and Friday this half term. Children should come to school in their P.E. kits on these days, including trainers and a school hoodie or jacket. If your child participates in an after school sports club, they may come to school wearing their P.E. kit on this day too.
Homework (Spellings, Handwriting and Maths) is set on a Friday and is to be returned the following Thursday.
Children are allowed to bring a healthy snack in to eat at playtimes each day. This could be a piece of fruit, a cereal bar or 'Yoyo Bears' or packets of breadsticks. Nuts, crisps and chocolate are not allowed and will be put in the classroom cupboard until the end of the day. Grapes must be cut into halves to avoid the risk of choking.
Please click on the link below for more information about the Y3 curriculum this year.
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Year 3 Curriculum Map 2023 2024.docx | .docx |
Attendance Matters! Our whole school target is 97% so please be in every day.
Welcome to 3ES
Mr Stronge, Mrs Rakem and Miss Foy
Welcome to Year 3ES and the Autumn Term! We are so proud of how hard all children worked last term, and are looking forward to their hard work continuing!
School Day
School starts 8:45, (calm start) Registration 9:00am, school finishes 3:15pm. In order to keep everyone safe, please stand back from the doors at drop off and pick up times.
We encourage children to read as much as they can! Reading can be done independently, with an adult or with others, both in school and at home.
All children should have a home/school reading book which is taken home every night and must be brought back to school each morning. Reading books will go home every night and are to be returned every morning to school. Please write a comment in the reading record praising how well your child has read, and the page numbers they have read too.
The children are encouraged to access our class library too, and they keep aa book from there in their trays for our 'reading for pleasure time in class'.
PE is on Monday and Friday this half term. Children should come to school in their P.E. kits on these days, including trainers and a school hoodie or jacket. If your child participates in an after school sports club, they may come to school wearing their P.E. kit on this day too.
Homework (Spellings, Handwriting and Maths) is set on a Friday and is to be returned the following Thursday.
Children are allowed to bring a healthy snack in to eat at playtimes each day. This could be a piece of fruit, a cereal bar or 'Yoyo Bears' or packets of breadsticks. Nuts, crisps and chocolate are not allowed and will be put in the classroom cupboard until the end of the day. Grapes must be cut into halves to avoid the risk of choking.
Please click on the link below for more information about the Y3 curriculum this year.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 3 Curriculum Map 2023 2024.docx | .docx |