Moving to secondary school - helpful information
Useful website containing transition information in the form of a booklet for children moving from Y6 into secondary school. Please copy and paste this link into your internet browser if you would like to have a look.
Support groups for parents
Please have a look at this useful 'Self Care Guide.' Being in a positive frame of mind will help your child to be ready to learn. If they are feeling upset or worried, learning will not be able to happen. You can download this document if you would like to print it off.
Please use these useful telephone numbers and email addresses for further advice and support with special educational needs.
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Welcome to Blueberry Park Inclusion Zone. A place where the parents and carers of our learners with additional needs can find extra hints and tips to help with blended learning, home schooling and supporting children with a new routine and way of learning and progressing. In cases of home schooling, these resources will be in addition to the quality activities that your child's class teacher will be adding to class pages.
Over the coming academic year I will add a variety of resources, ideas, activities and useful websites! I will also regularly post on Instagram and Twitter, directing you to things that I think may be useful. I will post things that can be easily adapted with the equipment that you may have in your home. You can also use some of these suggestions with children without any additional needs, depending on their age and academic level.
Please remember that children with Special Educational Needs are all individual and what may be useful for one child may not be as helpful to another. Do not worry, have a go and tweak things to suit your child. You do not need to try all of the suggestions, pick and mix and have fun with it!
New routines can be tricky, so don't forget to find some time to relax... here are some suggestions that may help you and your children!
Memory Games
Memory games are a fun and easy way to improve working memory, the more you can remember the more you will learn and retain your new learning. Some children with Special Educational Needs can have issues with their memory. One really simple game to do at home to help to improve working memory is called 'Kim's Game.' The key to Kim's Game is to play it regularly, little and often is best. 10 minutes 4 days a week would really help to improve memory! You may only want to start with three items but as your child's memory improves you can start to increase the number of objects that you are using. Have a go...
Autism Awareness information
Here are some Autism Awareness resources/support for our learners with Autism and their families.
Some of these resources and websites/social media accounts may be of help and support to you if your child is on the ASD Pathway or has a diagnosis of ASD.
What is stimming? Self-stimulating behaviours or stimming, sometimes called a 'stim' is basically movement(s)/noise(s) which are repeated over and over again. Some, but not all, examples are: hand flapping, rocking, clapping, spinning and repeating noises or words. Stimming can be comforting to people with ASD. Many people without ASD also 'stim'. Stimming associated with autism isn't always a cause for concern and often it only becomes an issue if it interferes with learning, results in social exclusion or it becomes a danger. There are many reasons why people 'stim', some of thes are, to adapt to an unfamiliar environment, to self-regulate and feel calmer, to express frustration and to stimulate or decrease sensory overload.
Occupational Therapy
Children with ASD (Autism) often can need extra help with fine motor and gross motor skills. There are many activities that you can work on at home you can find some of these here.
Using visuals
Visuals can be a really effective way to support children with ASD or those with Autistic tendencies. Visual supports can help to provide structure and routine, encourage independence, improve understanding, build confidence, encourage interaction and help to reduce frustration and anxiety. Visuals are clear and consistent, the spoken word is sometimes not clear for children with ASD. Visuals often help children to feel secure in their environment and we love using them at Blueberry Park!
Visual timetables are used in school as a way to help children to know their routine, it may help to set one of these up at home. There are some examples of visual timetables on Twinkl click here for an example.
If you don't have a printer at home you can sketch the visuals on some squares of paper or Post-It notes. Maybe you could help you child to draw them to create their own, personalised visual timetable.
As well as visual timetables you can use 'Now and Next' charts/cards, to give your child some structure and help them to feel secure in control of what they are doing. You can click here for a basic example on Twinkl.
There are other visuals that you can use to support communication that can be used with verbal, as well as non-verbal children of all ages. Have a look at this link for lots more helpful examples from the National Autistic Society. There are lots of tips on how to make simple visuals for children of all ages.
The National Autistic Society is a really useful organisation which gives lots of information about Autism, they also campaign tirelessly to raise awareness and work hard change how society perceives Autism.
Click here to go to the National Autistic Society website
As we know, people with Autism can find dealing with change very challenging. Change, especially unexpected change, can have a massive impact on children with Autism and their families. There are some helpful tips on how to deal with the changes in routine if you click on the link below. I hope that you find these helpful.
Tips to help manage change for people with Autism and their families
Social media and platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook can be a useful places to find information and make links with parents experiencing the same achievements and challenges as you. Please take care when using social media, it is a place where many opinions are shared, both negative and positive. Any medical or expert advice should be sought via your GP, health Visitor or us here at school. Social media can be helpful but should always be used with caution and posters to social media should not be viewed as experts.
Mental Health
It is important that we remember to look after or metal health during these uncertain times. It can be more difficult for children to learn if they are feeling upset, anxious or worried. Have a look at these activities and see if you can fit them into your day...
Please see our dedicated Mental Health page for more information on services that can offer support during these uncertain times. Miss Murphy is our Mental Health Lead at school.
Lego Challenge
As part of our provision at school Miss Garson, our Pastoral Support Assistant, provides Lego Therapy. During these sessions, our children work in small groups. These sessions help to build social skills, communication skills, fine-motor skills and also ensure team work.
Most families have Lego at home, it is a great resource that can be used in many different ways! Playing with Lego helps children to refine their fine-motor skills and hand-eye coordination which can help with a whole range of other areas, such as handwriting, typing, art and design, dance and other PE activities.
If you join in with your child to play with Lego you can also greatly help with communication, speaking and listening, conflict resolution, collaborative problem-solving, sharing/turn taking, concentration and comprehension skills... all whilst having fun! Have a go at the Lego Challenge activities and please shared any positive comments in our Guestbook, this can be found under the 'More' tab on the main page!