Attendance Matters! Our whole school target is 97% so please be in everyday.
Welcome to 6SS
Miss Smith
Miss Tonga, Miss Lee & Miss Walker
Welcome to Year 6!
We have made a wonderful start to this academic year and we have loved inviting the children back after their summer holidays. Year 6 is a tricky but exciting year and we can't wait for the roller-coaster together.
School timings
School starts at 8:45am (calm start), registration at 9:00am and school finishes at 3:15pm. In order to keep everyone safe, please stand back from the doors at drop off and pick up times.
We encourage children to read as much as they can independently, with an adult and as a class. All children should have a home/school reading book and a reading for pleasure book. Reading books will go home every night and are to be returned every morning to school. Please write a comment in their yellow reading record praising how well your child has read.
Swimming is on a Tuesday and gymnastics is on a Thursday. Children should come to school in their PE kits with full swimming kit on Tuesday. If incorrect kit is worn, children will be issued PE kit from lost property and a note will be sent home regarding this.